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un icono con tres líneas cortas ☰, dele clic y aparecerán las letras de la A a la Z. Seleccione la letra deseada, dando un
clic en la flecha que se encuentra en un costado. MANUAL BIBLICO
Arriba encontrarás un desplegado de opciones de la A a la Z. Coloca el cursor
sobre uno de ellos y aparecerán los temas. Elige un tema y da un click.
Para los teléfonos celulares el formato es diferente. En la parte superior de la pantalla del teléfono celular aparecerá
un icono con tres líneas cortas ☰, dele clic y aparecerán las letras de la A a la Z. Seleccione la letra deseada, dando un
clic en la flecha que se encuentra en un costado. MANUAL BIBLICO
Deruleaza in jos.
Reina-Valera (Español) 1960
¡Asegúrate de marcar esta página para referencias futuras!
Comenta con tus amigos sobre este sitio y envíales la dirección.
Inglés http://www.thelaymansbiblicalhandbook.com/
Limba Română, www.bibliaspune.com
¡Sí, tú puedes saber la verdad!
“Dijo entonces Jesús a los judíos que habían creído en él: si vosotros permaneciereis en mi palabra, seréis verdaderamente mis discípulos; y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres.” Juan 8:31-32 La verdad nos hace libres de supersticiones, falsas creencias, mentiras y temores. La verdad ayuda, la mentira duele.
Cada cristiano debería preguntarse a sí mismo, “¿Qué es lo que creo y por qué creo en eso?
“Mi pueblo fue destruido, porque le faltó conocimiento.” (Oseas 4:6)
Estimado lector, este sitio fue traducido de mi sitio en inglés.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este contenido o la traducción, consulte mi sitio en inglés. https://www.thelaymansbiblicalhandbook.com]
Limba română www.bibliaspune.com
El Manual Bíblico servirá tanto al nuevo cristiano como a la persona que desee entender de manera más sencilla sobre las grandes verdades de la Biblia. Es también una enseñanza práctica para la vida, y puede ser usada de manera efectiva para los devocionales familiares, como padre sugiero leer un tema por noche a la familia para ayudarlas a entender las grandes verdades de la Biblia.
Deruleaza in jos.
Reina-Valera (Español) 1960
¡Asegúrate de marcar esta página para referencias futuras!
Comenta con tus amigos sobre este sitio y envíales la dirección.
Inglés http://www.thelaymansbiblicalhandbook.com/
Limba Română, www.bibliaspune.com
¡Sí, tú puedes saber la verdad!
“Dijo entonces Jesús a los judíos que habían creído en él: si vosotros permaneciereis en mi palabra, seréis verdaderamente mis discípulos; y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres.” Juan 8:31-32 La verdad nos hace libres de supersticiones, falsas creencias, mentiras y temores. La verdad ayuda, la mentira duele.
Cada cristiano debería preguntarse a sí mismo, “¿Qué es lo que creo y por qué creo en eso?
“Mi pueblo fue destruido, porque le faltó conocimiento.” (Oseas 4:6)
Estimado lector, este sitio fue traducido de mi sitio en inglés.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este contenido o la traducción, consulte mi sitio en inglés. https://www.thelaymansbiblicalhandbook.com]
Limba română www.bibliaspune.com
El Manual Bíblico servirá tanto al nuevo cristiano como a la persona que desee entender de manera más sencilla sobre las grandes verdades de la Biblia. Es también una enseñanza práctica para la vida, y puede ser usada de manera efectiva para los devocionales familiares, como padre sugiero leer un tema por noche a la familia para ayudarlas a entender las grandes verdades de la Biblia.
Hi Everyone!
Our main site (in English) has everything free, including Christian eBooks and Christian family films. See below, enjoy!
Our main site (in English) has everything free, including Christian eBooks and Christian family films. See below, enjoy!
VIDEO Podcast, CHRISTIANS, GOING FOR GOLD! (I Corinthians 3:12) The first seven can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/@NJaneMath
AUDIO https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/b1835d43-0a18-4285-8a9b-1b621c4f4ef1
I hope to upload monthly.
#1 US Navy Divers tapping a Soviet military cable.
#2 He was a functioning addict but now he helps churches.
#3 A farmer in a Methodist church starts Independent Baptist Church.
#4 Some have heavier cross to bear.
#5 He was an atheist but now loves Christ and serves others.
#6 “The first American we saw in our town was a missionary.”
#7 Dr. Tom Wallace, he is 94 and in high demand as a preacher.
Nancy and I enjoy serving our Lord, and we have been serving him for 45 years. Thirty of those years we were missionaries in Romania starting churches and getting them self-supporting. We have interviews and true stories of faithful Christians, with the purpose of encouragement. Enjoy!
AUDIO https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/b1835d43-0a18-4285-8a9b-1b621c4f4ef1
I hope to upload monthly.
#1 US Navy Divers tapping a Soviet military cable.
#2 He was a functioning addict but now he helps churches.
#3 A farmer in a Methodist church starts Independent Baptist Church.
#4 Some have heavier cross to bear.
#5 He was an atheist but now loves Christ and serves others.
#6 “The first American we saw in our town was a missionary.”
#7 Dr. Tom Wallace, he is 94 and in high demand as a preacher.
Nancy and I enjoy serving our Lord, and we have been serving him for 45 years. Thirty of those years we were missionaries in Romania starting churches and getting them self-supporting. We have interviews and true stories of faithful Christians, with the purpose of encouragement. Enjoy!
Garry y su esposa Nancy
Acerca del Autor G. M. Matheny se graduó en 1979, del Colegio Bíblico Bautista de Costa del Pacifico (Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College). Sirvió como co-pastor por seis años y después fue pastor de una iglesia por cinco años, ambos cargos los ocupo en el Estado de Washington y ha publicado dos libros. Él y su familia llegaron a Rumania en el año de 1991, donde sirven como misioneros. |
See our new film,
True Story
In 1991 a preacher, his wife, and six children, flew from Washington State to Portugal, and then by trains to Romania.
This resulted in one comical calamity after another. But when they crossed into Eastern Europe,
it became like a tense roller coaster ride. And at the border of Romania there is an unexpected ending.
Watch for FREE at, https://youtu.be/X52FSiCCcz4
True Story
In 1991 a preacher, his wife, and six children, flew from Washington State to Portugal, and then by trains to Romania.
This resulted in one comical calamity after another. But when they crossed into Eastern Europe,
it became like a tense roller coaster ride. And at the border of Romania there is an unexpected ending.
Watch for FREE at, https://youtu.be/X52FSiCCcz4
View our movie GOD & SPIES
Watch for FREE at, https://youtu.be/6Smc1m_AuCE
Watch for FREE at, https://youtu.be/6Smc1m_AuCE
Based on a true story! About a young man who reluctantly enters the navy and becomes a diver to please his father, but later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wanted to decide on what to do with his life and making the dive had become an idol to him.
Based on a true story! About a young man who reluctantly enters the navy and becomes a diver to please his father, but later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wanted to decide on what to do with his life and making the dive had become an idol to him.
Cuando Jesús murió en la cruz, había dos hombres más que murieron ese día. Y ambos habían quebrantado el octavo mandamiento “No robaras”. Jesús se llevó a uno al cielo, pero otro no. ¿Qué hizo la diferencia? Ambos creyeron que Cristo existió, ambos hablaron con él, pero sólo uno de ellos creyó en Cristo para salvación. Éste fue el que reconoció que era pecador, y que merecía el castigo por su crimen, porque dijo, “recibimos lo que merecieron nuestros hechos…” Él no dio escusas por su pecado pero vio a Cristo, y le pidió al Señor que le salvara “Y dijo a Jesús: Acuérdate de mí cuando vengas en tu reino. Entonces Jesús le dijo: De cierto te digo que hoy estarás conmigo en el paraíso.” (Lucas 23: 42-43) Dile a Jesús, “Señor acuérdate de mí, quiero ir a tu reino cuando muera. Te pido que salves mi alma y que me perdones de todos mis pecados. Te pido que vivas en mi vida.”
“Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo.” (Romanos 10:13)
Glory to God! Copyright © 2013, by Garry M. Matheny. All Rights Reserved.
“Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo.” (Romanos 10:13)
Glory to God! Copyright © 2013, by Garry M. Matheny. All Rights Reserved.
Hi everyone! We have uplifting and encouraging stories for you! Everything from top secret submarine espionage, to bringing our six small children on a train from Portugal to Romania, where we served as missionaries for 30 years. I believe you will enjoy, learn, and hopefully be helped by our life experiences.
The following platforms have our podcast.
1. SPOTIFY, https://open.spotify.com/show/1iTDIZhH9hMEZvVr8jrpqQ
2. PLAYER FM, https://player.fm/series/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
3. STITCHER, https://www.stitcher.com/show/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
4. Podcast Index, https://podcastindex.org/podcast/4393008
5. iHeartRadio, https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-true-christian-stories-by-88074086/
6. Deezer, https://www.deezer.com/us/show/3071332
7. Podcast Addict, https://www.podcastaddict.com/podcast/3666665
8. Podchaser, https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/true-christian-stories-by-garr-198868810.
9. Audible, https://www.audible.com/pd/Podcast/B08K568Z3G
10. Amazon Music, https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/40976882-993c-47a4-86e5-18bf3240362f/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
A Few of Our Podcast titles.
“Aliens” in Revelation, Part 1,
Lord, get us to Romania,
James 4:2 "ye have not, because ye ask not"
Inspiration of Scriptures
The Tree of Marriage
Excuses of Moses
Hi everyone! We have uplifting and encouraging stories for you! Everything from top secret submarine espionage, to bringing our six small children on a train from Portugal to Romania, where we served as missionaries for 30 years. I believe you will enjoy, learn, and hopefully be helped by our life experiences.
The following platforms have our podcast.
1. SPOTIFY, https://open.spotify.com/show/1iTDIZhH9hMEZvVr8jrpqQ
2. PLAYER FM, https://player.fm/series/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
3. STITCHER, https://www.stitcher.com/show/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
4. Podcast Index, https://podcastindex.org/podcast/4393008
5. iHeartRadio, https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-true-christian-stories-by-88074086/
6. Deezer, https://www.deezer.com/us/show/3071332
7. Podcast Addict, https://www.podcastaddict.com/podcast/3666665
8. Podchaser, https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/true-christian-stories-by-garr-198868810.
9. Audible, https://www.audible.com/pd/Podcast/B08K568Z3G
10. Amazon Music, https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/40976882-993c-47a4-86e5-18bf3240362f/true-christian-stories-by-garry-nancy-matheny
A Few of Our Podcast titles.
“Aliens” in Revelation, Part 1,
Lord, get us to Romania,
James 4:2 "ye have not, because ye ask not"
Inspiration of Scriptures
The Tree of Marriage
Excuses of Moses

The book GOD & SPIES is FREE at,
GM Matheny was a US Navy saturation diver on the nuclear submarine USS Halibut. Involved in "Operation Ivy Bells". America’s most important and most dangerous of the Cold War clandestine operations. If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and American history, you will enjoy this book.
Based on True Events -The Mount Everest of Spy Missions
Firsthand account of history's greatest intelligence coup. Operation Ivy Bells was not a onetime intercept of foreign intelligence, but an ongoing operation of multiple Soviet military channels, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, which lasted for years! Another reason for the high interest in our operation was the audacious nature in which it was done—with not one person risking his neck but a whole crew of a nuclear submarine.
How did I end up as a navy diver, four hundred feet down in a frigid Russian sea? After making my dad totally disgusted with me, I set out to make him happy. “Honour thy father” - I struggled with a decision to serve God. “Lord, I will give my life to you and serve you if you let me make this dive.” But I had the impression He only wanted to know one thing: “What if I do not let you? Will you serve me anyway?”
BOOK EXCERPT "The tenders in the dive chamber who are bringing in Red Diver’s umbilical cable, unexpectedly have his cable ripped out of their hands! One of the tenders says, “What’s going on?” Matheny’s fins have landed back onto the first leg of the DSRV, which keeps him from sliding back any farther. He then pulls toward him about 30 feet of his umbilical cord and makes a dash for the next leg coming down from the DSRV. He makes it, but the red light shining in Matheny’s face is reminding him he is running out of time. From his position, he can see the light shining down in the water from the entry point back into the dive chamber. He positions himself to push off the last leg of the DSRV so he can enter the dive chamber. Then unexplainably he is again jerked backward with another sharp pull! This time his face mask slams into the leg of the DSRV. Matheny hurriedly makes a grab for this leg clinging to it."
Paperback 273 pages, $12.90 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1075452430
Kindle $6.30 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TCSLFWR
What others are saying.
Pastor Marvin McKenzie
“Garry Matheny is a friend and a fellow preacher. Prior to his salvation he served in the Navy as an elite saturation diver. He was involved in one of America’s most important and dangerous clandestine operations."
"Garry does a marvelous job of weaving recently declassified information regarding the operation, the record of an intelligence analyst spending the rest of his life in prison for selling the details of this operation to the Russians and his own eyewitness account of the operation itself."
"If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and history, you will enjoy this book.”
David Meyer
“I could not stop reading once I started. This book is for anyone that likes stories about submarines, divers, spies and or scripture. It’s all there in this interesting book.”
The book GOD & SPIES is FREE at,
GM Matheny was a US Navy saturation diver on the nuclear submarine USS Halibut. Involved in "Operation Ivy Bells". America’s most important and most dangerous of the Cold War clandestine operations. If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and American history, you will enjoy this book.
Based on True Events -The Mount Everest of Spy Missions
Firsthand account of history's greatest intelligence coup. Operation Ivy Bells was not a onetime intercept of foreign intelligence, but an ongoing operation of multiple Soviet military channels, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, which lasted for years! Another reason for the high interest in our operation was the audacious nature in which it was done—with not one person risking his neck but a whole crew of a nuclear submarine.
How did I end up as a navy diver, four hundred feet down in a frigid Russian sea? After making my dad totally disgusted with me, I set out to make him happy. “Honour thy father” - I struggled with a decision to serve God. “Lord, I will give my life to you and serve you if you let me make this dive.” But I had the impression He only wanted to know one thing: “What if I do not let you? Will you serve me anyway?”
BOOK EXCERPT "The tenders in the dive chamber who are bringing in Red Diver’s umbilical cable, unexpectedly have his cable ripped out of their hands! One of the tenders says, “What’s going on?” Matheny’s fins have landed back onto the first leg of the DSRV, which keeps him from sliding back any farther. He then pulls toward him about 30 feet of his umbilical cord and makes a dash for the next leg coming down from the DSRV. He makes it, but the red light shining in Matheny’s face is reminding him he is running out of time. From his position, he can see the light shining down in the water from the entry point back into the dive chamber. He positions himself to push off the last leg of the DSRV so he can enter the dive chamber. Then unexplainably he is again jerked backward with another sharp pull! This time his face mask slams into the leg of the DSRV. Matheny hurriedly makes a grab for this leg clinging to it."
Paperback 273 pages, $12.90 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1075452430
Kindle $6.30 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TCSLFWR
What others are saying.
Pastor Marvin McKenzie
“Garry Matheny is a friend and a fellow preacher. Prior to his salvation he served in the Navy as an elite saturation diver. He was involved in one of America’s most important and dangerous clandestine operations."
"Garry does a marvelous job of weaving recently declassified information regarding the operation, the record of an intelligence analyst spending the rest of his life in prison for selling the details of this operation to the Russians and his own eyewitness account of the operation itself."
"If you like good old fashioned American bravado, espionage and history, you will enjoy this book.”
David Meyer
“I could not stop reading once I started. This book is for anyone that likes stories about submarines, divers, spies and or scripture. It’s all there in this interesting book.”